Beauty Reboot

After years of working from the outside/in I currently believe that “true beauty starts from within” and my purpose in life is assisting women with developing their own internal beauty awareness. When you tap into the inner core essence of you, your true beauty will emerge effortlessly.The next time you sit down at the vanity take a moment and turn within. Life is meant to be lived from the inside/out & know that whatever you see on the outside mirrors what’s going on inside. I’m sure when I say Beauty Reboot™ you might think I’m going to ask you to restyle your hair, freshen up your makeup & add some pizzazz to your wardrobe. Not that those things aren’t important but I’d like you to really delve into what beauty truly means. You see…beauty applies to all areas of one’s life. Beauty is not just about cosmetics, what you see when you look in the mirror or how another person defines your physical make. Beauty encompasses all areas of our lives. To think of beauty exclusively from a vanity prospective is an injustice. Beauty is involved in your daily tasks & is everywhere in the world around you. You must open your eyes & open your mind to experience it all.Uncomfortable + Growth X Progress = TransformationThe most dangerous place for a woman to be…nestled in her comfort zone…If you make a conscious decision to stay there you will never be who you were meant to be which in my opinion is drop dead ugly. Why not make a conscious effort to bring the beauty back in your life. No matter what it takes to push forward. No matter how hard it may have been in the past. Now is the time to move out of your comfort zone.What do you think has been holding you back? This might be hard to hear but you have to get over your own limiting thoughts, insecurities & fears. Not thinking big enough? STOP…You have to instill a new way of thinking & a new way of seeing yourself in your mind, body & total being to Live Full Out…I am not talking about an Extreme Make Over but a Beauty Reboot™. You have the right to be what you’ve always wanted to be. Do you remember when you were a little you believed you could have it all. I think it’s a great idea for all of us to tap into that little girl that wanted to conquer the world.The grown up in you may feel it’s a fantasy or a dream that can’t come true but I’m here to tell you, it can if you stop hiding and playing small. Step up and declare “I deserve all the beauty life has to offer”If you don’t think you’re beautiful it’s time to let that go & focus on your assets. It you feel your life would be different if you knew you were beautiful then start filling your head with beautiful thoughts. A great affirmation is “I am beautiful in mind, body & soul”. Over time you will start to know yourself as beautiful, and consequentially you will see that that your life can be beautiful & you will be focused to bring all the beauty to fruition. It’s not to say you want have to deal with any ugly stuff. That’s part of life but you’ll be better equipped once you reboot.You will take your imperfections, shortcomings, mistakes, obstacles, flaws & allow them to further propel you in ways you never imagined. When you give yourself a Beauty Reboot™ you are going to give way to a better mind, a better body & a better life…You will be living your best life now because you refused to settle for the ugly stuff!
Ungenita Prevost
Actress/ Author & Beauty Empowerment Coach
Make Up Your Face, Make Over Your Mind, Transform Your Life!!! ™

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